To be honest, there's not alot I can really add to Mae's side of the story, she got it pretty much on the mark, except for the part where I was jumping up like a girl...anyway!
Mae really had no idea that I was going to propose in December. Sure we had talked about marriage before then, and yes I even did speak to her parents in September about it, but it wasn't like we ever went ring shopping together or even had a general idea about wedding planning etc. It's true, while I wouldn't call myself a jet setter I do travel alot. When we would talk it really did seem like Mae was resigned to expecting the engagement to happen sometime next year. It was funny too, the topic would come up in reference to our other friends who were getting married, and she would openly wonder about us and start trying to talk about things like that. For my part, it was getting very difficult to say things and not be so specific as to give things away, and I think Mae took that as me not really caring to talk about the subject so much. For my part, I just didn't want to ruin the surprise. So way even before December, I already had the ring. (another story for another time)
When Mae finalized her plans, I started putting mine together. We always end up running around when shes here and theres always a big event going on that takes up alot of our time too. So Tuesday was to be our date night. For a while now, every time Mae comes to town I try to take her somewhere "nice" to eat and shes always down. So I decided on the Spotted Pig for dinner. Dinner check. Now where to propose?
Well I had been thinking about doing this for a while, and I was pretty sure I wanted it to be in NYC. However, I didn't want to do it in any of the usual suspects. That's where the High line comes it. Someone had brought it up in a completely different conversation and a light bulb went on. The park had only been opened since last summer, so it wasn't like people had already been proposing there left and right (there had been a few, I checked google). I'm guess because its still pretty new, and it was never in Sex and the City, or like your generic NYC romantic comedy movie..yet.
So I really stress to Mae that we were going to dinner and then afterwards we're going to check out the High line park. She knew I had never been there yet, and I like taking pictures, so it all worked out. Well, dinner was great, and on the way to the park Mae got to flag down her first taxi.
What was NOT so great was that the cab took so long to get to the park that we literally got there with 10 minutes to spare. Another thing was that it was FREEZING. It doesn't help that the park is near the Hudson river and its elevated. Yikes!
So we're walking around we take a couple pictures together when all too soon, a couple security guards tell us its time to leave. Crap! what am i supposed to do? Weather being as it is, it was still perfect, because basically no one else was there.
So on our way out, I convince Mae to take one more picture of us together before we leave. I mean we did come all this way to see it right? She looked a little (a lot ) annoyed at this point.
So I put the little Canon on a gorrilla pod (these things are awesome) and instead of setting it timer, I put it in Video mode.
Now I have stress also, that at this point, Mae had absolutely NO IDEA what was going on. This was after I said I wanted Tuesday to definitely be our date night and thats all, I was even wearing an oxford dress shirt in her favorite color (purple), I dragged her out to that park in freezing weather...
Anyway, we're standing there and Mae turns to me and says "Hey it didn't flash"
Me: "Oh I think its on video"
Mae: "why is it on video" *starts acting silly in front of the camera
That's when I go in for the kill..
"Mae Aveline Lawson...."
THAT is when she finally knew what was going on.
So she said yes. And I have the proposal on video.
DON'T LIE ANAK. i can totes see you jumping for joy.