Normally, I use an Imac when I'm at home, but here is the set up I have at my parents house:
Its not the most elegant, or cleanest set up, but it works.
Powerbook G4 with another 23" Apple Cinema Display: Having a big display helps alot, especially when you are looking at multiple websites, have alot of windows open, running programs etc.
Webcam: Mae just recently got a netbook herself and we've only now discovered the joys of skype. Late passsss! But its great because we can discuss things and send each other links for each other to check out and get feed back right away.
Google Wave: Wow. When I first got the invite for this, its usefulness was questionable, but now we use it to collect information and ideas we've been throwing around. For example, if an idea or a website looks really cool to one of us, we can send the link and or pictures to google wave to go along with all our other wedding stuff. (Google Wave is pictured on the larger screen above)
Gmail/Google Docs, etc: Google in general has been good for us, Gmail obviously for chat/communication, and Google docs so we can have access to documents and can alter them on the fly. I've been keeping my guest list on google docs so I can open it when necessary, make adjustments etc..
Blackberry: This thing has been around world and back, kicked, dropped, slapped, etc. And it still keeps working, and still gets me messages when I need them. Mae and I both have blackberry and use PIN, push email, and whatever else extensively on them.
HP C3100 Printer(Not pictured): This combo printer is good for printing out docs, pics, scan in pictures when we want to share something.
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