Wednesday, March 31, 2010


What is it that I am contemplating? Anorexia. I kid you not. Every time I look in the mirror, not only do I feel this sinking feeling in my stomach, I also want to barf at the sight of me. Maybe bulemia would be a better route.. Every time I think about that wedding dress (which is pretty frequently through the day, I think I have created a kind of relationship with that dress that isn't healthy in any way, shape or form..) a creeping sort of anxiety builds up inside. I know it's unhealthy, but I think about losing weight all the time, even as I eat this super fattening burger. Just kidding. About the burger part. Also, living in the same house as TJ and Jed isn't very good on my eating habits. They are the things nutritionists nightmares are made out of. If I avoid food completely, their unhealthy ways wouldn't rub off on me, yes? I'm also trying to start this P90X thing, but it also doesn't help that those two sleep in the living room (where it's the only place where you can do any kind of work out routine). I think TJ needs to go back to Seattle and take Jed with him. Just kidding (not really, they really do need to go.. for my sanity and weight control)!

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, anorexia is the best option for me. Wish me luck!

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