Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not goodbye, just see you later.

As I sit here at Ryan's computer, just finished up packing, a now familiar feeling creeps up my stomach. Dread. I not so secretly count down the hours, the minutes, the seconds until I have to say goodbye to NJ/NY again. People say it gets easier over time, but I really do think it just gets worse and worse. Instead of crying at the airport, I cry a few hours before the flight, AND the night before my flight. It gets harder and harder for me to leave. As you all know, Ryan isn't a very outwardly emotional person (unless it's hating on someone), but that last moment as I walk away, the look on his face shows me that it's just as bad for him as it is for me. Long distance is no joke people.

Anyway, before I start bawling as I type, some good news wedding planning wise! We pretty much have a venue set, we picked our date, we locked down the florist, and we picked out wedding bands, for people who are pretty laid back, I gotta say that we pushed through this trip. GO US.

We also celebrated Ryan's birthday over the weekend. He's 30 now. Old. I can already see his rage face as he reads this. Hehe. GO ME.

Ok, gotta get back to being sad about leaving. I'll see y'all on the other side! Thanks for all the hospitality and love from all the NJ/NY peoples! Including all the ones that I haven't met yet! (That includes you Annie :p)

PS. I already miss Ryan and he's right here. =(

1 comment:

  1. aww shmaemae, you should start a new countdown: months, weeks, days til you and ryan can finally spend your life TOGETHER =)
