Friday, April 30, 2010


There are bridezillas, there are brides, there are anti-brides, and there is me. There is just no way to put me in a category. I am no where near a bridezilla; I don't care what colour the napkins are, and I honestly don't care if my makeup will be a smokey eye, or a slightly smokey eye. I don't care if my band has diamonds or not, as long as I get to match with Ryan. And I honestly don't care if the groomsmen's ties match anything of the bridesmaids. I also can't be put in the brides category; I'm unorganized and I can't be bothered with little tiny details. I haven't dreamed of my wedding since I was young, it was more about dreaming about the dream guy. Lastly, I can't be put into the anti-bride category; I LIKE the idea of being a bride. Planning all this is stressful, yes, but I kind of enjoy it.

So where does that leave me? I would definitely say I am a wife. Yes, our wedding day is going to be the biggest day of our lives, but it's still just one day, yes? As much as I love this whole process, and as much as I look forward to seeing the venue, seeing my family cry (yes, Kuya included), seeing my girls all decked out, and seeing Ryan in that suit (and not to mention wearing my amaaaaaaazing dress) and crying all over the place as we say our vows, I still look forward to after the wedding. It's the married part that I'm going to love. Being grumpy as Ryan gets ready for work (because hello, I'm sleeping on for as long as I can!), trying to avoid doing any kind of house chore possible, hogging whatever game console we'll own, and attempting to cook edible food. That'll be the fun part.. watching Ryan attempting to survive life with me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Just a note, the more stressed out I am, the more my skin starts to break out. And if you've seen me lately, it's obvious that I'm stressed out. So I have one question to ask... for my engagement party/bridal shower/wedding present.. can I get proactiv? Bahahahahaha... =(

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Busy busy busy...

On top of having to try to pre-plan a wedding that's happening in less than 5 months, and to put together things needed (and paid for) for my visa, AND trying to save money, I'm starting to really miss my friends. The last couple of weeks have been kind of crazy, going to the doctor all the time, filling out sheets, shutting myself in my room to research wedding stuff.. it's been a long while since I've spent some quality time with my friends (or seen the sun).

I only have 4 months left here in Vancouver, and I'm spending all my time alone. How un-awesome is that? I don't really know how to balance wedding planning and all that junk and friends and family.. and all of this pre-planning is starting to get to me. Imagine, to remember to do anything I have to write it down somewhere? Anything basic, like to call someone back, I totally forget because my mind is occupied with wedding stuff. SERIOUSLY.

Because I'm so busy, I'm having friend withdrawals. It's kind of sad that I'm already homesick, but I haven't even left yet. I'm just asking, when can I have a break and finally just breathe normally again? Because it feels like I have allergies and I live in a house of pollen. I cannot breathe.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Veil, schmeil.

I was hanging out with a good friend of mine yesterday, (after a full packed day schedule
*faint*) and she also happens to be getting married very soon. We were going over costs of weddings and where you can cut corners. I was pretty surprised at what she came up with, but totally going to go through that route as well. At first I wanted a veil with scattered rhinestones, but after looking at pictures online of brides with veils like that, no thanks. It looks like they had insects on them! I want a veil, not a bug catcher. Hence, I will be looking on eBay. Wish me luck!

In other news, the hype of the wedding is starting to hit me. Is that why I always need to go to the washroom? haha just kidding... sort of.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ring Shopping

One of the things Mae and I did during her last visit was look at wedding bands. It took all of 15 minutes well at least for me. haha. On another note, I highly suggest visiting the Tiffany's location on Wall Street. It's definitely a far less harrowing experience than the one on 5th Avenue; less gawkers/tourists. Jus sayin.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bakit Why?

In relation to Annie&Mike's blog, people can be such debbie downers. For the most part, people have gone above and beyond the definition of supportive, but then there are others who seem to have a constant thorn stuck in their sides. I was chatting with a close friend the other night about this, if you get married for the right reasons, wedding bliss is a reality for you. It just sucks that some people can't stand the fact that other couples are happy. How sad.

In other news, 5 months to go! I know time will whizz by fast, so we're starting to clamp down on the planning... which means headaches, stress and high blood pressure will soon after follow.

...wait. Do I feel a headache coming on?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Invitations anyone?

We are currently looking for designs for our invitations for the wedding. A lot of people have a lot of cool designs and ideas for invitations and they're all making a statement. At the end of everything, it basically is a piece of paper stating the date and information of the wedding. Since Ryan and I are pretty laid back, maybe just writing down that information on post it notes and passing it along will make a pretty strong statement, no?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey guess what?

We have a date. :)

.... what you thought I was going to post it here? Naaaaaaaaaahhh.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not goodbye, just see you later.

As I sit here at Ryan's computer, just finished up packing, a now familiar feeling creeps up my stomach. Dread. I not so secretly count down the hours, the minutes, the seconds until I have to say goodbye to NJ/NY again. People say it gets easier over time, but I really do think it just gets worse and worse. Instead of crying at the airport, I cry a few hours before the flight, AND the night before my flight. It gets harder and harder for me to leave. As you all know, Ryan isn't a very outwardly emotional person (unless it's hating on someone), but that last moment as I walk away, the look on his face shows me that it's just as bad for him as it is for me. Long distance is no joke people.

Anyway, before I start bawling as I type, some good news wedding planning wise! We pretty much have a venue set, we picked our date, we locked down the florist, and we picked out wedding bands, for people who are pretty laid back, I gotta say that we pushed through this trip. GO US.

We also celebrated Ryan's birthday over the weekend. He's 30 now. Old. I can already see his rage face as he reads this. Hehe. GO ME.

Ok, gotta get back to being sad about leaving. I'll see y'all on the other side! Thanks for all the hospitality and love from all the NJ/NY peoples! Including all the ones that I haven't met yet! (That includes you Annie :p)

PS. I already miss Ryan and he's right here. =(

Saturday, April 3, 2010

connecting dots

Last weekend I observed one and a half weddings in two days.
Congrats to Annie + Mikey, and Jo + Vin (who actually were having their American reception, in addition to their wedding in Hong Kong which I was honored to be a part of back in October.)

When you're in the middle of planning your own wedding, attending other weddings gives you another level of understanding and appreciation to what people go through to get to that point. On top of that, you find yourself catching up with other couples who are also in the middle of planning their weddings.
Having these discussions is great in a way because at least for me, I learn something new, or something gets brought up that I hadn't thought about. Sure, the internet is great for research but nothing beats hearing how other guys and gals are handling their planning. For lack of a better term, they feel my "pain". But its not really pain, its just something that can be pretty overwhelming, but all the words of encouragement and tips we get, from everywhere, including here, means and helps us alot.

Friday, April 2, 2010

4 day weekend.

Today is day one of the super long weekend (YAY for bunnies and eggs!) and day two of anorexia. I realize one thing about this anorexia thing.. it's not happening. I eat whatever I want (within discretion of course, label reading is my second favourite hobby), so I guess I'll have to settle with good ol' exercise. If you see my face now, I am disliking this option.

Ryan arranged pictures to be taken next Saturday! I told him no kissing pictures and he agreed. Maybe this will be a barf free photo session? :p Shopping on Friday for cute outfits, any suggestions?

Anyway, I've been looking at options for my bridesmaids and I think I have decided. They are going to look great!! Well not TOO great or I'll have to secretly talk to the make up person and sabotage their make up. What?? I have to stand out, don't I? :p