Friday, April 2, 2010

4 day weekend.

Today is day one of the super long weekend (YAY for bunnies and eggs!) and day two of anorexia. I realize one thing about this anorexia thing.. it's not happening. I eat whatever I want (within discretion of course, label reading is my second favourite hobby), so I guess I'll have to settle with good ol' exercise. If you see my face now, I am disliking this option.

Ryan arranged pictures to be taken next Saturday! I told him no kissing pictures and he agreed. Maybe this will be a barf free photo session? :p Shopping on Friday for cute outfits, any suggestions?

Anyway, I've been looking at options for my bridesmaids and I think I have decided. They are going to look great!! Well not TOO great or I'll have to secretly talk to the make up person and sabotage their make up. What?? I have to stand out, don't I? :p


  1. outfit suggestions:

    1. spring dress option (perfect for twirling =))
    2. dark trouser jeans w/pointy heels/boots
    3. a cowl-necked top.
    4. NO dress shirts
    5. flirty skirt
    6. printed cute tank top (this is "spring" after all)

  2. oh wait! and a cute cropped double breasted 3/4th sleeve option!!!!!

    ...that is all =)

  3. Hey!! When are you coming to the area? Hope we can meet up!

    If you're taking pics in the city, just keep an eye on the weather up until a few days before you come. Then base your outfit selection on that. If you plan on buying stuff here, def hit up H&M, Forever21, and Macy*s.
