Monday, February 8, 2010

If you're going to barf, barf now.

So, a lot of people have noticed that Ryan and I are pretty low key and laid back. Some people are a little skeptical about us and wonder if there is enough "passion" to last the rest of our lives. Actually, some people have even mentioned to me that they were really surprised to actually see us kiss in the engagement video! Really? Just because we choose to not be all over each other in public, you wonder if we really love each other? Uh.. and this rock on my finger and me moving away has absolutely nothing to do with love? Nothing? ...sometimes, there is no pleasing everybody.

I'm not doing this to prove anything to anybody, it's just a blog anyhow, so I'll just blog about Ryan and I and how these people are wrong (talk about not proving anything to anybody.. hahah..) I've never had a real best friend before, I've had best friends, but not that ONE that I can call whenever I want and that one that everybody identified as my best friend... that is until Ryan came along. I call him whenever I need to talk to someone, and he's the first person I think of when I have a problem. He's the one I laugh with and joke with and be a real kid with. I'm mean and sarcastic, and so is he. That's what I call love, I can laugh and play with him but at the same time I want to be romantic with him. That's just how it is.. and that's how it'll always be. It is what it is, we're just simply in love. Period.

And you know what? I can't wait to be old and wrinkled, but still slowly walk down the street and holding Ryan's hand. YEAH.

Oh yeah, for those people who are skeptical. NOT INVITED. :)


  1. yeah. you're cool! highfives for mean sarcastic (loveable) girls and boys!

  2. mae, you guys make me want to puke. the end.

  3. awww cute, damn you and your love..
    </3 =P

  4. The kind of old where you guys go running together, holding hands, and sharing earphones? :D

  5. I EFFING LOVE THIS POST! please put this on your wedding invitations! (: i love Brya-Mae! that should be the name of your first baby girl. lol..yey Brya-Mae!
