Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My take on the guestlist

Thanks to my jetlag from flying back from Japan, I stayed up most of the night finishing up my first draft of the guest list.

I'm currently 15 people over the "limit"

I'm kind of doing it the reverse of Mae.

- My family was the first to be put on the list. They make up a little over 40 people.

- Then came the the entourage and their signficant others.

- Then the sponsors and their families.

- The rest are friends. No real rules, just if I really want you to be there.

When I was in the Philippines the other week, I think I got some really good advice: "Most of the time if someone is offended that they weren't invited, they weren't that close to you at all. If they really do love and care for you, then they'll understand"

I think/hope there's alot of truth in that.


  1. That last part is TRUE. I went to a wedding where the bride's family alone is 50+ (that are state-side) and their total guest list = 40. AMAZING! And guess what? Life goes on... I don't know if anyone hates on her for not inviting them, but she's happy, he's happy and even the close family/friends who didn't make it there are happy for them!

  2. hehehe Yesssss that was the comment I just left on Mae's blog!! :) You guys are just too popular and social, just give up and accept you will have a big wedding ;P
