Friday, January 29, 2010

Literate or Illiterate?

Sometimes after having a "wedding" conversation, I seriously wonder where the heck my "girlie" genes went. Or am I just really wedding illiterate? Remembering certain conversations about the wedding makes me kind of want to crawl into a little ball and not leave my house until I get married...

Friend: So, what kind of flowers do you want?
Me: Not roses, everybody does roses.
F: So what kind do you want?
M: Mm, I like those white ones, with the black middles. Looks like those hawaiian flowers!
F: So you want hibiscus looking flowers?
M: The hawaiian flowers! Not the leafy ones.
F: Hibiscus flowers ARE the hawaiian flowers.
M: But I don't want those ones. Something that looks like that with the black middle!
F: Anemones?
M: Why would I want sea creatures in my bouquet?
F: NO, anemones are those flowers!
M: What did I say about sea creatures?
F: *whips out smartphone and shows pictures of anemone flowers*
M: Oh.

And let's not forget dress shopping..

Sales Lady: So, what do you want to look like on your wedding day?
Mae: Pretty?
SL: Okay... what about elegant? Or classic? Modern?
M: Yeah! All of those!
SL: ...
M: Let's go with elegant?
SL: Okay, so what kind of fit are you looking for?
M: I like corset backs.
SL: No, the fit. What kind of fit? Trumpet? Mermaid?
M: Uh, the fitted top but not too poofy bottom.
SL: So maybe an A-Line, or trumpet or fit and flare?
M: Okay...
SL: So this is a trumpet fit dress.
M: Will I really look like a trumpet?
SL: No, it just means that it's fitted until mid thigh. So it looks like the end part of a trumpet, get it?
M: Won't that just make me fat though?
SL: No, the rouching will make you look really good.
M: Rouching? But I like corset backs.
SL: Okaaaaaaay. Just try it on, you'll see what I mean. *puts dress on*
M: Oh.



  1. ahahhahahahha mae, you're too too hilarious.aiya. well, the most important thing isn't about the flowers or the dress (but THIS part actually is =) ). it's the face that you and ry are going into a union of your guys' lives. so all this fuss over the details leading up to your guys' new life together shouldn't be the main focus.

  2. Hahaha!!! So many different names for so many different things=p I suggest looking through magazines and getting an idea of what you like. That way, when you go to the vendors, they can serve you better=) Don't let them talk you into something that you're not sure about. Your reaction to it should be, "I LOVE THAT". As for the dress, it's true when they say, "You just know". I teared when I found mine. Haha!! Let me know if you need any help. *Hugs*

  3. hahahahahahahaah! s'ok girl, i thought anemones were what Nemo lived in, and i have no idea what a trumpet dress is either. )= fail.

  4. HAHAHAHAH MAE...this literally made me LOL!
    <3 <3

  5. Omg about your dress... I feel you. Mey didn't know all that stuff either and neither did I when we went looking. There should be a dictionary of wedding terms..
